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What is Insight Language

Updated: May 30, 2024

"The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together."

Carl Sagan

Hard science has the luxury of objectivity. For creative endeavors, we do not. Kneading an idea until the key stakeholder “likes it” enough is an exhausting and destructive experience we all know too well.

But generating creative solutions that do something is a different game entirely. It’s complex, but there is no substitute for this standard when managing innovative work. Complexity is table stakes for creativity. Our only choice is how we navigate it.

For this reason, Insight Language establishes a common syntax for the creative ideas. Mapping them in three ways:Definition: The goals and limitations of the idea.

Attributes: The qualities and components of execution.

Position: The attributes’ relationship to one another.


The definition covers the contours of the solution - its essential functions and the means necessary to actualize it. It is a vehicle to hold our expert considerations, annotating the basic information crucial for insight development, addressing potential threats, and succeeding.


Attributes are the discrete components of the concept, representing the styles, ideals, qualities, and functions. These are the common denominators derived from the diverse perceptions of the engaged parties, ensuring a shared understanding of the elements in play.


The position shows the unique interrelationships between the attributes, formalizing their mutual harmony, tension, and geometry. The practice of moving attributes based on their nature allows experts to visually comprehend and discuss their influence on the position. Positions nail down the specific size and place of each attribute, ensuring attributes that go together stay together, and in a manner the team deems true.

The system is fundamentally humanistic, best suited for dialogue among experts and knowledge-bearers. A definition can be as short as a sentence, and attributes as simple as a list. 

In creative endeavors uniqueness is table stakes. These projects don’t invent their models, instead we revise and build on existing concepts and precedents until the work is done. Insight language articulates these critical concepts and precedents on which our work is balanced.

Insight Language offers a common code for the disparate spokes of expert teams, anchoring them to one thing: the insight. This language mode provides a framework to track how the constituents of a campaign relate to the overarching objective, and how well.

With Insight Language, we create unified direction for diverse teams, a platform for actionable feedback on evolving ideas: emphasizing attributes, tweaking positions, and making better work.

© 2023  Observe & Report


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